How to Use Trend Micro Anti-Threat Toolkit?

Trend Micro includes a set of tools which are used for scanning viruses, malware and other infections from both online and offline sources. There are times when you encounter unusual behavior in the computer system and it could be affected by malware. In such situations, there are several tools which can be used at the right time to let the system work properly. Trend Micro includes a set of tools which are used for scanning viruses, malware and other infections from both online and offline sources. There are times when you encounter unusual behavior in the computer system and it could be affected by malware. In such situations, there are several tools which can be used at the right time to let the system work properly.

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Anti-Threat Toolkit scanner is one such tool which can be used both online and offline computers. It collects all the suspicious files and system details and cleans the infected computer systems. It also clears rootkit infection, zbot, cryptolocker infection and MBR by using ATTK along with clean boot.

You can also consult experts and technicians for understanding the process by reaching them at Trend Micro Support Australia at 1-800-870-079.

How to use Anti-Threat Toolkit for collecting suspicious files and system information:

  • Download the toolkit by tapping on the operating version of 32 bit and 64 bit from the website.
  • Go through the Trend micro License Agreement. The download will begin once you click on ‘I Accept’ button.
  •  Select the preferred directory where the tool is stored. Then tap on ‘Save’ button.
  • For running the downloaded file, double-click on it.
  • Once the User Account Control Window appears on screen, click on ‘Yes’ option. You will see a command prompt window showing the system forensic analysis progress.
  • Once the analysis is completed, the user will receive a temporary ID number which is also a reference ID while contacting the technical support.
  • A folder will be created within the directory where the tool was executed. The user will find a subfolder 

    named as ‘Output’. You will also find a ZIP file with the name of a file with timestamp and GUID.

  • Submit the temporary ID number if you have the existing case with the Trend Micro support team.

You can contact the team of specialists if you face any issue with any of the above steps. You can reach them by dialing Trend Micro Technical Support Number Australia 1-800-870-079. The team will guide you through the process without any further delay.

Read Also, How to Uninstall Trend Micro Security with Diagnostic Toolkit?

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